BonaVita Prescription Line

  • Ivermectin: Anti-inflammatory agent.

    Metronidazole: Helps treat inflammation and redness associated with rosacea by killing and limiting growth of bacteria. It also treats pimples and redness.

    Potassium Azeloyl Diglycinate: Calms skin and reduces redness. Also contains antibacterial, skin cell regulating, anti-inflammatory and skin-lightening properties, which reduce acne.

    Our Rosacea Gel also contains hydrating amino acid, Glycine (which promote collagen or elastin), and helps moisturize the skin.

    Niacinamide: Vitamin B3 reduces inflammation and helps with skin sensitivity, skin cells and moisture.

  • Hydroquinone: Skin brightening agent that produces lightening of the skin by interfering with melanin production.

    Tretinoin: Vitamin A Derivative that stimulates epithelial cell turnover. It also helps treat acne, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and overall texture and tone of skin.

    Hydrocortisone: Works to calm skin and reduce hyperpigmentation/ inflammation.

    Kojic Acid: Inhibits an enzyme necessary in the production of melanin, helping to fade dark spots and discoloration. It also delivers antioxidant protection.

  • When applies, this topical anesthetic cream numbs treatment areas to assist with comfort of procedure.

    Lidocaine 23%

    Tetracaine 7%